The number one marketing strategy that rules them all

Revolutionise your entire business with this one principle


My neighbour Molly

The shopping centre buzzed with activity as the morning crowd swirled around us. I had run into my elderly neighbour Molly, who seemed upset. I asked if she was ok. Molly explained that her wallet was stolen while she was having a coffee.

Pretty rough right? I felt for her. 

Molly is 94 and all her cash and identification were in her wallet. Molly had no idea what to do. 

Enter the hero

Now before you think that I am setting myself up as the hero of this story, I am not. I did what any person with half a heart would do. I sat down with Molly, listened and empathised.

I then did two things. 

  1. First, I reminded her that the world - and people - are essentially good and that she did not need to worry and feel vulnerable. It’s horrible to feel vulnerable, especially for a 94-year-old lady living alone.

  2. Then, together we wrote a list of what to do next. The first thing on the list was to visit her bank. 

Imagine walking into a bank in 2024, without identification and asking for access to your account. Like we say in Australia, she had a snowball's chance in hell! No chance at all! I was worried that it would not go well. 

Molly waited in the bank line and explained to the teller what had happened. Immediately the teller showed empathy and reassured her that they would help sort it out. Great response! The bank teller didn’t lead with, “Oooh, yeah, um, that may be difficult seeing you have no identification.” No, that would have caused Molly to panic. The teller saw Molly was upset and wanted to reassure her that everything would be ok. Full marks for wonderful customer service.

One of the other tellers recognised Molly and vouched that she was who she said she was. But, I still wasn’t sure if that was enough. Surely they required identification.

Then what they did next was impressive. I can’t imagine any other bank doing what they did.

They asked her how much money she would need for the rest of the week and gave it to her!

Whaaaaat! Just like that!

I was gobsmacked! And delighted! Immediately Molly felt 100% better and the colour returned to her face knowing she had access to her money.

But then they went one step further and offered to help her sort out everything else - not banking matters, whatever she needed! At that moment the bank was not just her money institution, but her partner, her advocate, dare I say it … her friend. 

In just twenty minutes Molly was walking out of the bank feeling supported and much better about the situation. She then began attending to all the other things on her list, confident that the rest of the day would go well. 

Which bank?

I shared this story with a friend the other day and he said, “Which bank?” I laughed as he said it in exactly the same way as the well-known TV ad from 1985!

It doesn’t matter which Bank. But yes, it was one of the big 4.

But I love that it was one of the big banks rather than a small community bank. Why? Because it’s a great example of the value of staying small while growing big. If brands want to create customer loyalty as they grow big, they need to stay small at the same time.

How can they do that?

By caring about each customer and focusing on the little details people appreciate and love. In this case by caring. By being helpful, generous, and supportive! 

The best marketing ever!

This story is worth more than 100 Instagram posts! It really is. It doesn’t matter how wide a brand message travels, it matters how deep it goes. Reach is nowhere near as valuable as depth. Likes, follows, comments and shares, are nowhere near as powerful as real human-to-human connection. This is especially true if you’re playing the long game. This is how you build a valuable brand reputation.

It does not matter how many people see your content in the first instance, what matters is how deeply it affects a few. And when it does affect a few, the outcome is that it also tends to go wide. Those who were deeply impacted by the story will tell others.

For example. I have written about it here. I have also written an email about it to my database. I will also post it on social media. And I will tell the story multiple times when I speak at events. It may even end up in my next book. Molly will also tell others about it. You will most likely tell a few people.

And on it goes. 

The benefit of building a brand people love 

In a world ripe with options and cluttered with content, it’s hard to get people to choose you. There are just so many good options available.

You can either out-market or out-advertise your competition. Create more content. Create better content. Spend more on advertising. It’s a red ocean - highly competitive, difficult and expensive.

Or you can out-care your competition. A blue ocean* - uncontested market space. You can do what other companies are not prepared to do. In this case, care deeper than others! As a result, the ironic thing is that stories surrounding your business of great customer service will build up, travel further and reach more people than your competitor’s marketing!

* See Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean here.

If you want to out-market your competition, you will need a big budget and the best people you can find. Sure it’s possible, but the brand with the most money will usually win. Or you can operate in a way that endears people to you and develops a deep long-lasting bond.

Top of mind or close to heart?

Building a successful brand in a cluttered world is a battle for the heart, not for the mind. It’s no longer about being “top-of-mind”, but about being “close-to-heart.”. Just think of all the successful brands you know. I bet they’re brands that have fostered a deep affection from their tribe. They’re not simply brands with the largest advertising budgets, the savviest slogans, or the largest social media followings. The most successful businesses are the ones who’ve built the deepest bonds. 

If you build a brand with these qualities, over time you will be rewarded with deep affection and long-term loyalty. When you build a brand people love the benefits are endless. When people love something they can’t help but share their experience with others. Motivated by their love, your customers will passionately talk about your business, show off your products, and proudly share your content. They will pay less attention to what the competition has to offer. And in no time, they will develop a deep loyalty fuelled by reasons of the heart, not of the mind. 

Be the most memorable story 

When Molly laid down to rest that evening, I believe the strongest, most memorable story playing in her heart and mind was that of kindness and generosity from her bank and a few individuals. I know that was certainly the story playing in my mind. How do you make sure your business story is the most powerful and memorable? 



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